There seemed to be more English signage than before, and the young people are taller.
It can be very expensive here if you don't watch yourself. A good healthy "Ramen" meal can be had for between six and ten dollars, and the restaurants are everywhere. 7/11 stores and
others like it are common, and a healthy "o-bento" (box lunch) or sushi serving cost around five dollars.
Newly married couple, Meiji Shrine
Central area, Meiji Shrine, Tokyo
Morning fish market, Tokyo
Plastic food display outside restaurant. Very realistic, usually with prices. Just point and order, or sometimes there is a ticket machine, and you just buy the ticket.
Metro, clean and efficient!
Simon and Monica, on the subway.
A "Capsule Hotel", CDN $30.00/night. I had to try it! Asakusa district, Tokyo. Japanese bath on the 9th floor had a great view over the city!
The capsule. Just long enough for me!
The motorcycle finally arrived in Shinigawa by Tokyo bay. There was a little confusion with customs and the people at the warehouse because they were not used to dealing with this type of shipment. I called my friend Erica Hosada in Kyushu and explained things to her and that all my paperwork was in order. She in turn called customs and the people at the warehouse.
I was able to get up to customs later that day. They were very helpful, and stayed beyond their 5 o'clock quiting hour to make sure I had all the paperwork done for the warehouse the next day.
Next morning, found the warehouse, took the box apart, and fueled up the bike. Again the people were very helpful. Had to pay $60.00 to dispose of crating, but was out of there and on the expressway southwest to Kyoto in about 3 hours.
The expressways are excellent, well marked in English and Japanese, and expensive. The 500 km. plus trip cost $110.00 in tolls. However, it was worth it to get clear of the urban area. The alternative is stop and go traffic and confusing signs, especially for someone new to driving in urban Japan.
Arrived in Kyoto next day, good ride, people friendly and interested along the way.
Hi Frank, Nice to meet your other traveling companions. We already know Simon and Monica are great travelers so now it is confirmed you are in good hands. Who would have ever imagined back in the early 70's you'd team up again for an adventure like this? Have fun, we are watching you!! Gayla