Thursday, May 6, 2010


We all have arrived safe and sound. The Australian contingents` motorcycles are out of their boxes and in Narita. Mine will be in Tokyo Monday.
It has been busy with taking the bikes out of their containers and putting them together. All the paperwork, {Carnets, insurance and customs} is pretty well complete, so we should be on our way south early in the week. So far, it has been pretty straightforward, no complications.


  1. hi guys!
    i knew you come to japan by the most famous japanese bbs(
    where are you now?
    if you have any trouble, write it to follow thread
    i guess they help you.
    have fun!

  2. hajimemasite <-- Japanese[nice meet you!]
    I'm Japanese ,so a only few word English sorry ,,,

    hi! have a enjoy journey on Japan
    now best season motorcycle tour in Japan
    take care & let's enjoy Japan tour !

    from Japanese motorcyclist

  3. Looking forward to some pics from Kyoto. Lucky you!

  4. Can't wait to read and see more Frank......thanks .......Paul
